20151107。恩荷芬第三屆粵劇欣賞日 Cantonese Opera Show at CKE, Eindhoven


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20151101。鹿特丹一日遊 A day in Rotterdam

與琪莉和Candy兩家約在鹿特丹的川菜館“食為天”吃香喝辣,順道到新建的Markthal看看。這棟新穎且集辦公、住宅及室內市場為一體的建築遠近馳名,上過電視,許多人特地來這裡朝聖。我們小逛了一圈,就去兒童農場Kinderboerderij De Kooi走走,最後到琪莉家喝茶聊天,渡過了個精彩的星期天。 We haven’t visited the city centre of Rotterdam for years. Today, we went to Rotterdam specially for spicy lunch at Sansan Restaurant with friends. Meanwhile took the chance to visit the Markthal, a new famous residential- and office building with a market hall. Then, we visited Kinderboerderij De Kooi to let the children to release…

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20151030。與蘇格蘭高地牛賞秋 Autumn Scene with Scottish Highlanders

趁沒上班,陪巴特到布雷達一趟,然後到恩荷芬附近的Oud Meer en Sonse Bossen自然保護區走走,為今年的秋天留些倩影。這自然區入秋後有蘇格蘭高地牛入駐,幸運的是,就這樣給我們遇上了。 It’s autumn now. The nature starts to turn into a colourful world. We visited “Oud Meer en Sonse Bossen”, a natural park in between Son and Best nearby Eindhoven. There are Scottisch Highlanders in this natural park in autumn and winter time. Luckily, we met them closely and got the…

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20150718。歐文隆戰爭博物館 Overloon War Museum

來荷蘭這麽多年,我們多數是從國外給七月生日的婆婆祝賀生日。今年因選擇八月中旬才啟程,婆婆高興得很,決定來個一日遊慶生。選在週末,我們先到歐文隆參觀戰爭博物館。對於經歷過二戰洗禮的兩老,看到二戰的相片和錄影就不自覺地在對照記憶中的情境;對於年輕一代的我們來說就少了那份觸景傷情的感覺。從博物館出來,我們直奔提堡的美食時光Etenstijd享受豐富的晚餐。回到恩荷芬後,再到臨近的自然公園散步,為精彩的一天劃下句點。 Oma celebrates her birthday in July. This year, we’re not on board, so we’ve decided to have a family day by visiting Overloon War Museum and enjoying delicious buffet at Etenstijd in Tilburg.

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