20170827。東方文化之日 Oosterse dagen bij Museum Klok & Peel, Asten (1)

今天為一群到Asten舞蹈演出的阿姨拍照,活動是當地博物館Museum Klok & Peel主辦、為期兩天的東方文化之日(oosterse dagen)。照片分兩輯上載,除了阿姨們的中華舞蹈,還有其他活動項目(日本柔術、太鼓、盆栽等),也包括博物館的收藏和園藝景觀。 [NL] Vandaag gingen we de oosterse dagen bij Museum Klok & Peel in Asten. Vele culturele activiteiten, zoals Chinese dansen, Japanse Jujitsu en Taiko, Bonsai, verschillende soorten van massages, yoga etc, zijn georganiseerd. De fotos van de oosterse dagen en museum worden in twee artikelen gepost. [EN] Today, we went…

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20170518。皇家台夫特藍陶之旅 Royal Delft Experience (1)

感謝acer同事送的皇家台夫特體驗藍陶之旅,我們物盡其用,在巴特生日這天去了皇家台夫特參觀和享用悠哉的下午茶時光。台夫特藍陶可說是中國青花瓷的copycat。十六世紀起,荷蘭東印度公司VOC從中國和日本把青花瓷帶到歐洲,頓時青花瓷成了貴族和大戶人家所愛,後來因為中國內亂而貨源減少,在供不應求的情況下,荷蘭開始有了“荷蘭製造”的念頭。十七世紀時,台夫特大概三十二家藍陶廠,至今只僅存一家於1653年創立的Royal Deflt皇家台夫特(De Porceleyne Fles)。“移民”到荷蘭的青花瓷,因為使用的陶土和製作方式改變,經過三百多年的進化,漸漸成了獨具一格的台夫特藍陶風格。現今皇家台夫特,只生產家用器皿和紀念品,仍然純手繪製作。另外,它被授權冠上皇家的名號,是荷蘭王室御用的陶瓷禮品供應商。此外,它是國外旅行團到荷蘭的旅行熱點,是宣揚藍陶文化的重要據點。 Thanks for my acer colleagues giving us this Royal Delft Experience to explore typical Dutch culture. We have decided to enjoy this wonderful present at Bart’s birthday. During our visiting at Royal Delft, we have explored a lot about Delft Blue’s collections and historical memories of the Dutch Royal Families, and,…

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20170502。美食 Restaurant at Evoluon, Eindhoven

最近在Groupon上看到恩荷芬的地標Evoluon的餐廳有對外開放,於是買了Groupon的優惠餐卷來試試看。趁小女兒來恩荷芬,我們一家三代六口一起到這裡享用晚餐。 Evoluon is one of the landmark of Eindhoven. Recently, we found out that the restaurant of Evoluon is open for public and has promotion at Groupon. Thus, we bought a Groupon of 3 courses dinner for 6 persons, to have a family dinner at this iconic location in Eindhoven.

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20170426。台夫特 Delft

這次的一日遊,除了鬱金香花園,我們挑了台夫特走走。台夫特以藍陶Delft Blauw馳名,但我們此行的目的是參觀橘色皇室家族之皇陵所在地:台夫特新教堂。因為門票含參觀舊教堂,我們也順道去了那裡,然後選了家餐廳享受晚餐,再踏上回家的路途。 Beside Keukenhof, we decided to visit Delft. The main spot of this visiting is the New Church, the place of the royal crypts of House of Dutch royal family. Then, we visited the Old Church as well, and wrapped up our tour in Delft by having dinner at ’t Postkantoor.

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20170426。庫肯霍夫花園 10th Visiting of Keukenhof (1)

趁著五月假期,抽了一天跟家婆趴趴走,今年的目的地是鬱金香花園和台夫特。來荷十二年,這是第十度拜訪這全球著名的公園。這公園每年三月入春後只開放兩個月,年年都能看到公園團隊別具匠心的作品,從大型的園藝景觀到室內的花展,讓遊客年年來都不厭倦,而自掏腰包為鬱金香花園打廣告。今年適逢風信子盛開、迎鼻都是風信子的香氣,鬱金香還有少部分含苞待放,櫻花盛開,壓軸的杜鵑花還沒什麽動靜。雖然溫度只有攝氏十一度左右,偶爾刮刮冷風,但大部分時間都有艷陽高照,讓我們舒舒服服地遊園。這次只帶長鏡,照片分兩篇上載,來看照片吧! This is my 10th visiting to Keukenhof in 12 years. Keukenhof is a world famous Dutch tulip garden, one of the must visit destinations of tourists in the Netherlands. This time, we’re welcome everywhere by the wonderful hyacinth’s fragrancy. Some of the tulips didn’t bloom yet, but the cherry blossoms did have their most…

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20170417。復活節農民復古市集 Boeremèrt, Liempde

今年的復活節,我們又來Liempde的農民復古市集Boeremèrt。這次來得比較遲,錯過了傳統舞蹈表演,整體感覺就是商業化了很多,買餐飲的檔口劇增。不過,重點還是陪公公婆婆走走,回味下他們記憶中的北布拉邦農村氣氛。 Today is the 2nd day of Easter. We went to Boeremèrt, the historical farmer market of Noord Brabant, at Liempde. This year, we arrived late in the afternoon, and we missed the traditional dance shows. But, anyway, we have a wonderful afternoon with my parents-in-law who have a lot of memories to recall during…

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