Tag Archives: 美食 Cuisine

【18台馬澳】20180119-20。荷蘭—新竹 Holland to Hsinchu, TW

It’s a year ago that Bart and I travelled to Taiwan for 2 weeks, and after that I continued alone to visit Macau, Malaysia and Taiwan for 4 weeks. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170801-03。亞庇 KK (12) 凱城之自助晚餐 Buffet Dinner at Promenade Hotel


We stayed at Promenade Hotel for 3 nights, and we had their buffet dinner for 3 evenings, just because Diny was convinced by their delicious lobster soup at the first evening and decided to enjoy their buffet for another 2 evenings. These are the pictures of the buffet dinners. Continue reading

【17返馬】20170714。日本餐廳 Excapade Japanese Cuisine (Miri Branch)


When we came back from Niah Cave, we went to Excapade (Miri Branch) to enjoy their famous Japanese cuisine. Continue reading

20170502。美食 Restaurant at Evoluon, Eindhoven


Evoluon is one of the landmark of Eindhoven. Recently, we found out that the restaurant of Evoluon is open for public and has promotion at Groupon. Thus, we bought a Groupon of 3 courses dinner for 6 persons, to have a family dinner at this iconic location in Eindhoven.
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20170107。冰上芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》 The Nutcracker on Ice, Theater Orpheus, Apeldoorn


為了張羅送給公公婆婆結婚55週年的禮物,在Groupon上看到了冰上芭蕾舞劇的折扣卷,就決定來個一日遊,到Apeldoorn的Theater Orpheus觀賞這著名的芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》。我和巴特算是初體驗,之前都沒看過現場的溜冰表演。看完表演,對這些演員的溜冰功夫是佩服的五體投地。在小小的舞台也能表演各種篦美專業花式溜冰比賽的動作,結合芭蕾舞劇的表演,實在是太精彩了。

[NL] “Notenkraker on Ice” was een voorstelling dat ik per toeval heb gevonden op Groupon, en deze voorstelling hebben als cadeau gegeven aan mijn schoonouders als cadeau van hun 55e bruiloft. De voorstelling was plaats gevonden bij Theater Orpheus in Apeldoorn. Bart en ik zijn voor de eerste keer een ijsballet show gezien. Ik heb echt zo een respect aan de professionele dansers die moesten schaatsen en hun rol spelen in de balletshow.

[EN] “The Nutcracker on Ice” was a present for my parents-in-law to celebrate their 55th Wedding Anniversary. The show took place at Theater Orpheus at Apeldoorn. It’s a very first experience for me and Bart to watch live ice dancing. All of the dancers were professional skater and ballet dancer. We had a great evening enjoying the wonderful show.
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20170101。新年快樂! Happy 2017 New Year!!


“Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.” You may have a lot of wishes, but how about the purpose? This year, I want to complete all of the courses of my Master program. How about yours? Continue reading

20161229。美食 Zesgangendiner bij Michelinster-restaurant De Karpendonkse Hoeve


De Karpendonkse Hoeve是家在恩荷芬鼎鼎有名的餐廳,自1979年起,年年保有米其林一星的水準。這篇純分享今年兩次光臨這家餐廳的美食照片。
[NL] De Karpendonkse Hoeve is een benoemde Michelinster-restaurant in Eindhoven. Die zijn de foto’s van de zesgangendiner van twee verschillende bezoeken in dit jaar.
[EN] These are the photos of six-course dinner at De Karpendonkse Hoeve, a famous restaurant in Eindhoven with 1-Michelin Star since 1979. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160704。河內SEN蓮花餐廳 Buffet Restaurant Sen Tây Hồ


[NL] Dankzij internet en tripadvisor, hebben we Buffet Restaurant Sen Tây Hồ gevonden. Dit is het grootste buffet restaurant in Hanoi, benoemd met zijn variatie van vietnamese eten. We hebben 2 uur buffet gehad en echt van genoten met de lekkere gerechten, aangeraden!
[EN] Buffet Restaurant Sen Tây Hồ, a restaurant that we found on internet and Tripadvisor. It’s located nearby the West Lake in Hanoi, and it’s the largest buffet restaurant with various Vietnamese food. We had chosen for a 2 hour buffet dinner and we’re really enjoying the local taste and dishes.
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2016CNY。吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur


[NL] Voordat we terugkwamen naar Nederland hebben we drie dagen gebleven in Kuala Lumpur om een mooie afsluiting van de vakantie te genieten.
[EN] We stayed at Kuala Lumpur for three days to have a relax ending of our holiday.
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意大利快餐 Happy Italy in Eindhoven


在恩荷芬的市中心,開了家意大利快餐Happy Italy(官網連結)。在朋友的推薦下,我們去過好幾次,挺滿意的,尤其是它的沙拉,意大利麵和批薩,份量大且便宜,上餐速度快,吃不完還能帶走,唯一的缺點是常常要排隊等位子。
Since the opening of Happy Italy (website) in Eindhoven, we have visited this Italian fastfood restaurant for several times. Their food is delicious and cheap. No matter you order salads, pasta or pizza, you can expect a large portion that you, mostly, cannot finish in once. So, they also provide Happy Bag for you to take away your food. To visit this restaurant, you may need to have patient to queue for a seat, but once you get a seat, you will be served immediately like their slogan “The Fast Italian”.
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