20141111。恩荷芬光藝節 (1) Eindhoven GLOW Tour

第九屆恩荷芬光藝節來了。這次的主題是“動感城市”。這輯分享的是GLOW Tour的照片,主要是在市區內的某些主題建築上或區域內用光影配搭聲樂,讓城市增添嫵媚的姿彩。 Once a year, there’s GLOW – the light art festival at Eindhoven. The theme of this year, the ninth edition is ‘City in Motion’. These’re the photo’s of the GLOW Tour, the shows at the city centre.

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20141114。荷蘭秋色 Autumn in Holland

今天和同事去荷蘭北部的Drachten、Assen、Emmen巡店,往返總共560公里左右的路程很長,早上七點出門,晚上十一點才回到家,真的累翻了。好在臨出門前有把單眼帶上,沿途還能拍些荷蘭的秋色來打發時間。 Today, I went to visit our store at Drachten, Assen and Emmen with colleague. That’s in total about 560km for the whole trip. These’re the photo’s on the way, show you how beautiful is the Dutch’s autumn.

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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理蝴蝶泉 Butterfly Spring, Dali

離開崇聖寺,我們在細雨中匆匆地逛了大理古城,然後就直奔蝴蝶泉。蝴蝶泉也是電影《五朵金花》的阿鵬哥和金花對歌談情的地方,以“蝶”、“泉”、“樹”有名。如今這裡的蝶海奇觀不再,只剩下泉與樹,還有一群群慕名而來的遊客。 After leaving the Chongsheng Temple, we had a short tour at the ancient city of Dali in rain, then we went to Butterfly Spring. Butterfly Spring used to be famous with it’s nature wonder of butterflies sea at the tree nearby the spring. But, nowaday, the butterflies are gone and only a nature scenic…

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