意大利快餐 Happy Italy in Eindhoven

在恩荷芬的市中心,開了家意大利快餐Happy Italy(官網連結)。在朋友的推薦下,我們去過好幾次,挺滿意的,尤其是它的沙拉,意大利麵和批薩,份量大且便宜,上餐速度快,吃不完還能帶走,唯一的缺點是常常要排隊等位子。 Since the opening of Happy Italy (website) in Eindhoven, we have visited this Italian fastfood restaurant for several times. Their food is delicious and cheap. No matter you order salads, pasta or pizza, you can expect a large portion that you, mostly, cannot finish in once. So, they also provide Happy Bag for…

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