Tag Archives: Cathedral

【Barcelona】20150415。巴塞羅納大教堂 Barcelona Cathedral


Barcelona Cathedral, or the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia, is the Gothic cathedral and seat of the Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain. (More info: wikipedia)
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【13夏】12-07。再遊特羅吉爾 Again in Trogir, Croatia

Compare with Split, Trogir is a small town. Continue reading

【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特之戴克里先宮 Split, Croatia (2) Diocletian’s Palace

Diocletian’s Palace is the landmark of Split and one of the world’s cultural heritage. As we could not join any boat tour to the islands nearby Split, we decided to enjoy our time by walking around in this old city area.  Continue reading

06-11。比利時安特衛普 – 大教堂

安特衛普大教堂O.-L.-Vrouwekathedraal (The Cathedral of Our Lady)是當地最偉大的高德式建築物之一,占地2.5英畝,是比利時最大的教堂。它從1352年開始動工,直到1521年才竣工。教堂最引人注目的是它的高塔,塔高123公尺,塔身的裝飾非常精緻。我們付了每人兩歐元的入門票,就進去參觀。對於沒有宗教信仰的我,這座教堂的里里外外都是藝術品,尤其是裡面色彩鮮豔的彩繪玻璃,更讓我嘆為觀止。 Continue reading