Tag Archives: 恩荷芬 Eindhoven

20151030。與蘇格蘭高地牛賞秋 Autumn Scene with Scottish Highlanders


趁沒上班,陪巴特到布雷達一趟,然後到恩荷芬附近的Oud Meer en Sonse Bossen自然保護區走走,為今年的秋天留些倩影。這自然區入秋後有蘇格蘭高地牛入駐,幸運的是,就這樣給我們遇上了。
It’s autumn now. The nature starts to turn into a colourful world. We visited “Oud Meer en Sonse Bossen”, a natural park in between Son and Best nearby Eindhoven. There are Scottisch Highlanders in this natural park in autumn and winter time. Luckily, we met them closely and got the chance to have some pictures of them. Continue reading

【Barcelona】20150415。恩荷芬-巴塞羅納 Eindhoven to Barcelona


四月中旬,到西班牙的巴塞羅納自助玩了五天四夜,親睹聖家堂的壯觀、高迪的風采,還有加泰隆尼亞現代主義(Catalan Modernisme)的建築文化,真的不虛此行。
In April, we have a wonderful 5D4N tour to Barcelona. In these five days, we visited a lot of famous places in this beautiful and cultural city.
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20150510。母親節 Mother’s Day


This year, we celebrate Mother’s Day with my parents-in-law. We went to have a walk at forest area in the afternoon. Then, we’re invited to have a white asparagus dinner at their home.
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意大利快餐 Happy Italy in Eindhoven


在恩荷芬的市中心,開了家意大利快餐Happy Italy(官網連結)。在朋友的推薦下,我們去過好幾次,挺滿意的,尤其是它的沙拉,意大利麵和批薩,份量大且便宜,上餐速度快,吃不完還能帶走,唯一的缺點是常常要排隊等位子。
Since the opening of Happy Italy (website) in Eindhoven, we have visited this Italian fastfood restaurant for several times. Their food is delicious and cheap. No matter you order salads, pasta or pizza, you can expect a large portion that you, mostly, cannot finish in once. So, they also provide Happy Bag for you to take away your food. To visit this restaurant, you may need to have patient to queue for a seat, but once you get a seat, you will be served immediately like their slogan “The Fast Italian”.
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