20180503。散步賞鳥 Pure birds

趁好天氣,在住家附近散步4.82km,純賞鳥去。此輯有骨頂雞(一家七口)、烏鶇、野鴨(媽媽+六個寶寶)、加拿大雁、黑水雞、鳳頭鸊鷉、埃及雁、大山雀、藍山雀。 With a nice weather, walk in neighborhood for 4.82km to shot birds’ pictures. These photos include Eurasian coot (a family of 7), common blackbird, wild duck (mum + 6 ducklings), Canada goose, common moorhen, great crested grebe, Egyptian goose, great tit, and blue tit.

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20180501。散步賞鳥 Walk for birds

飯後散步,順便賞鳥。這輯有喜鵲、大山雀、烏鶇、埃及雁(一家七口)、加拿大雁(一家七口)、骨頂雞(一家四口)、知更鳥和啄木鳥。 Have a walk after dinner and look for birds in neighborhood. These series include pica pica, great tit, common blackbird, Egyptian goose (a family of 7), Canada goose (a family of 7), Eurasian coot (a family of 4), European Robin and woodpecker.

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20180407。鳥語花香 It’s Spring

今天天氣超好,拎著長鏡到附近拍拍春色,還有拍鳥(大山雀、藍山雀、喜鵲、骨頂雞、白頰黑雁、鳳頭鸊鷉、鷦鷯、麻雀等)。這輯照片裡,有的喜歡的小鳥有加上裁圖,可以看清楚一點。 Today, the weather was top for outdoor activities. I decided to make pictures of the spring scenery, and also to spot birds (koolmees, pimpelmees, meerkoet, brandgans, fuut, winterkoning etc) in neighborhood. This section includes some crop pictures from original photo.

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20180310。恩荷芬國際婦女日活動 International Women’s Day celebration in Eindhoven (1)

這是為恩荷芬CLO主辦的國際婦女日慶祝會拍的活動照片。 The C. L. O. (The Latin American Center for Orientation) has organized this year (for the fifth time) the celebration of International Women’s Day in Eindhoven on Saturday 10 March 2018 at the Parktheater Eindhoven. These are the photos of this wonderful event.

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【17返馬】20170708-09。啟程 NL – KLIA – Miri

今年暑假回馬來西亞五個星期,是有史以來步調最緩慢的一趟。7號重考完,8號就趕緊向美里投奔。這篇記載從荷蘭到美里的行程,上圖為馬來西亞檳城第二大橋(全長24公里,其中16.9公里跨越大海,為東南亞最長的跨海大橋)。 This year, I went back to Malaysia for 5 weeks during summer holiday. After resit on 7th of July, I started immediately my journey at the next day. This post’s going to share the photos from the Netherlands to Miri. Above is the photo of Penang Second Bridge, or Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah…

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