【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理蝴蝶泉 Butterfly Spring, Dali

離開崇聖寺,我們在細雨中匆匆地逛了大理古城,然後就直奔蝴蝶泉。蝴蝶泉也是電影《五朵金花》的阿鵬哥和金花對歌談情的地方,以“蝶”、“泉”、“樹”有名。如今這裡的蝶海奇觀不再,只剩下泉與樹,還有一群群慕名而來的遊客。 After leaving the Chongsheng Temple, we had a short tour at the ancient city of Dali in rain, then we went to Butterfly Spring. Butterfly Spring used to be famous with it’s nature wonder of butterflies sea at the tree nearby the spring. But, nowaday, the butterflies are gone and only a nature scenic…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理崇聖寺三塔 Chongsheng Temple & Three-pagoda, Dali

早上七點半,巴師傅到酒店接了我們和小洪,就開始在五朵金花的故鄉--大理的一日遊。這天的行程是:崇聖寺、大理古城、蝴蝶泉和洱海。 July 23th, we have an one day trip at Dali and visited the Chongsheng Temple, Dali Old City, Butterfly Spring and Erhai Lake.

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20140918。慶生 Chrissy & Susanna’s verjaardag

今年在荷蘭慶祝了第十個生日。與往年不同的是,同一天生日的大寶貝親自做了個寫著“生日快樂”的蛋糕,慶祝我們的生日。看著她認真地把這四個中文字拼起來,真的即感動又驕傲。 Dit jaar heb ik voor de 10de keer mijn verjaardag gevierd in Nederland. Wat bijzonders van dit jaar is, is dat Chrissy voor onze verjaardag een taart heeft gemaakt met “gelukkig verjaardag” in het chinees erop.  Chrissy, ik ben echt trots op jou!

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20140914。市場花園行動七十年紀念 Operation Market Garden (OMG2014)


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【China。七彩雲南】20140722。宜良九鄉溶洞 Yiliang Jiuxiang Karst Caves (2)

這次到九鄉,因略過坐索道這環,我們只穿過雄獅大廳到神女宮就往回走。但有觀賞到的景觀,尤其是在神女宮內,真的美不勝收、如臨仙境。 At Jiuxiang Karst Caves, we didn’t visit all scenic spots because we decided to skip taking the cable car. We have passed the Grand Lion Hall to the Goddess Palace, and took the same way back to the entrance. But everywhere we’ve visited, the scenes was so beautiful and it seems like a wonderland.

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