【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國阿亨 Aachen, Germany (2)

我們在繞著阿亨大教堂逛了一圈後,就開始逐家逐戶地就找德國豬腳。當然,最後不是所望,吃到超讚的豬腳,飯後還賞了一大圈夜景,才會酒店休息。 When the night came, beside enjoying the beauty of the city, we started to look for typical Germans cuisine, Schweinshaxe or roasted ham hock.

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【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國阿亨 Aachen, Germany (1)

離開科隆後,我們直奔阿亨,並在這裡過夜。同時選擇科隆和阿亨為這次小旅行的目的地,只要是想把兩座迥然不同的大教堂介紹給小羲。 After visiting Kölner Dom at Cologne, we went to Aachen. We’ve selected these two cities with a main purpose: showing two totally different doms to our friends.

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【荷比德趴趴走】11-07。北海大堤、羊角村、恩荷芬 Afsluitdijk, Giethoorn & Eindhoven

離開了乳酪市場,我們直奔北海的攔海大堤Afsluitdijk,這是荷蘭史上最巨大的水利工程。在那午休後,我們繼續往荷蘭的威尼斯-羊角村,最後回到恩荷芬過夜。 After Alkmaar Cheese Market, we went to the Afsluitdijk, a fundamental part of the Dutch Zuiderzee Works. Then, we went to Giethoorn, Venice of the Netherlands.

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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (4) Passo Del Gavia to Passo dello Stelvio

從Passo del Tonale開始,我們就一直在走山路,沿途景色美不勝收,但還是希望早點到酒店休息。就在接近天黑的當兒,我們到了海拔兩千四百多米的Passo dello Stevio,給近十二小時的路程劃上漂亮的句點。 From Tonale Pass, our journey in Alps area began. Although the views are so wonderful, but we started to hope to arrive our hotel  a.s.a.p. After almost 12 hours driving, we arrived Hotel Perego at Passo dello Stelvio.

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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (3) Passo Del Tonale to Passo Del Gavia

經過Passo Del Tonale,我們繼續往Passo Del Gavia走。為了賞美景,故意挑山路走,雖然有的山路非常險要,急彎很多,有的地方只有單道通車,但我們還是有驚無險、平安地跨過一座座的山峰和峽谷。 Passing the Tonale Pass, we continued our way to Gavia Pass. Although some parts of the roads were dangerous, but we have travelled through the mountains safety and gained a lot of beautiful memoris in this trip.

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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (2) Avio to Passo Del Tonale

從早上九點半出發,直到下午近四點,才開始有朝向阿爾卑斯山脈的感覺。後面五個小時的路途,海拔高度越來越高,風景越來越精彩。 We departed to Alps at North Italy at 9:30am, but we started to have the feeling that we’re closed to Alps around 16pm. Although we spend most of the time on highway, but the last 5 hours journey became more and more interesting as the altitude bacame higher and higher.

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