NZ-D2。20200301 Christchurch Botanic Gardens

今天風和日麗,是出遊的好日子。本想帶兩老去基督城的市區逛逛,但考慮到公公沒辦法走遠,還是折中去了其市中心的基督城植物園(參考官網)。這植物園歷史悠久、範圍很大,園內各區的植物種類很多,整修的非常好,值得一逛。 Vandaag hebben we mooi weer gehad. Eerst wouden we nog naar het centrum van Christchurch gaan maar we hebben toch besloten om de Botanic Gardens (Office Website) te bezoeken. Dit park is heel goed bijgehouden met genoeg variaties van bomen en planten. Oma was heel blij dat zij met tempo kon wandelen en genieten…

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NZ-D1。20200229 New Brighton Pier, Christchurch

因住宿的小公寓得等到下午才能入住,主人介紹了這New Brighton Pier,可以看海、看衝浪,也可以在餐廳休息。我們就這樣一天來了兩趟,早上為了耗時間,下午為了重溫美景,呵呵! Doordat we zo vroeg is aangekomen bij Christchurch, kunnen we niet meteen inchecken bij verblijfplaats. De eigennaar Bryan heeft ons deze mooie stand voorgesteld. Inderdaad, het uitzicht is mooi, en we hebben hier twee keer bezocht in een dag.

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【18台馬澳】20180125。台南安平樹屋 Anping Tree House, Tainan

從赤崁樓坐台灣好行的公車,我們來到安平古堡站,先就近去參觀安平樹屋。安平樹屋原為英商德記洋行倉庫,在建築被廢棄後,老榕樹的氣根從損壞的屋頂上垂下攀附生根,形成“樹以牆為幹、屋以葉為瓦”的特殊景觀,故稱為樹屋。除了安平樹屋,這景點也含現為展覽館的德記洋行和安平老人朱玖瑩的故居。 After we arrived Fort Zeelandia bus stop, we went to visit Anping Tree House first. Anping Tree House was originally a warehouse of British Tait & Co.. After the building was abandoned, the roots of the old banyan tree hangs from the damaged roof and roots on the wall. This forms the special landscape…

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【18台馬澳】20180125。台南赤崁樓 Chihkan Tower (Fort Provintia) of Tainan

台南,台灣最早開發的城市,歷經荷治、明鄭、清領、日治等不同時期的統治,這裡的史蹟、人文及小吃美食等文化資源豐富,為歷史悠久的古都(參考維基)。1624-1662年,荷蘭人統治台灣38年,台南為其統治中心,亦留下不少歷史古蹟,其中以赤崁樓和安平古堡最具代表性。赤崁樓的原身為荷蘭人的普羅民遮城(Fort Provintia),為荷治時代的商業和行政中心。鄭成功擊退荷蘭人後,這裡就成了承天府。今日所見的赤崁樓為漢人在普羅民遮城上陸續興建的儒、道教廟祠,包括海神廟、文昌閣。這古蹟就在我們的酒店附近,吃過早餐就從這兒開始一天的旅程了。 Tainan is commonly known as the “Capital City” for its over 200 years of history as the capital of Taiwan under Koxinga and Qing Dynasty rule (see wikipedia). As Taiwan’s oldest urban area, Tainan was initially established by the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Fort Zeelandia and Fort Provintia were the ruling and…

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【18台馬澳】20180124。台南公園與成大榕園 Tainan Park & Banyan Garden of NCKU

我們約了同學六點在成大附近吃晚餐,於是下午四點才從酒店重新出發。這是巴特第一次來台南,就帶著他逛馬路,去台南公園和成大榕園。台南公園是我自己想去的,每天被無限台南(部落格)的追鷹日記熏陶,來台南當然得去看看有沒有鳳頭蒼鷹的踪影。至於成大榕園,那是台南的地標,當然得帶老外來鑑賞一下。晚上,跟同學俞萱和令如一家吃火鍋驅寒,歡聚暢言一番。 This was Bart’s first visiting to Tainan. After a short nap at hotel, we began our tour again by foot to Tainan Park and Banyan Garden at National Cheng Kung University. Then we met my classmates of HE96 nearby the university to have hotpot as dinner.

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【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄紅毛港文化園區 Hongmaogang Cultural Park, Kaohsiung

新舊高字塔遙遙相望,這是高雄第二港口,曾經與旗津連在一起。應港口發展需求,旗津半島被切斷成了島嶼,這裡就成了第二港口。這裡曾經是洋人(紅毛人)船舶停泊駐紮的港口,俗稱為紅毛港。我們欽點這裡的半日遊,就為了悠哉地享受這巨港的景觀及參觀這紅毛港文化園區(官網)。 Having these two Gaozi towers face to face at the entrance of the second harbour, this is the unique scene of Kaohsiung Port from Hongmaogang Cultural Park (official website). We have chosen for a half day trip which offered the chance to travel through the busy Kaohsiung Port and relaxing at this cultural park.

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【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄港景色 Harbour views of Kaohsiung

高雄港是台灣第一、世界第15大港口,原稱打狗港(Takau Port),現有百餘個碼頭(參考維基)。從駁二坐文化遊艇到紅毛港,航程約40分鐘,沿途盡是高雄港的景色。 The Port of Kaohsiung is the largest harbour in Taiwan. This port is also the “Takau Port” in history (wikipedia). Our cultural boat from Pier-2 to Hongmaogang travelled through the port and we could enjoy the harbour views the whole way. 

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【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄城市光廊JCAFE—駁二周邊 Urban Spotlight to Pier-2 of Kaohsiung

繞了中央公園小半圈,我們發現公園旁有棟特別的建築。走近看看,先看到蝙蝠車,才知道這是周董的JCAFE,於是決定進去休息一下。之後再慢慢走到駁二碼頭,發現離出發還有兩個小時,這是腳程太快?還是誤估了距離?沒關係,老外喜歡慢慢來,我們就買飲料、找地方坐坐,看書、賞景、拍照,自娛一番。 After walking around in Central Park, we found JCAFE nearby Urban Spotlight side. This is a restaurant owned by famous Taiwanese singer Jay Chou. We enjoyed a relaxing hour there and continued our way to the Pier-2 Art Center. When we arrived the pier, we realised that we were 2 hours too early for…

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【18台馬澳】20180123。高雄美麗島站—中央公園 Formosa Boulevard Station – Kaohsiung Central Park

買好下午三點四十分往紅毛港文化園區的船票,我們決定在飯店用了早餐後,開始步行到駁二碼頭去坐船。途中去了美麗島站重溫”光之穹頂”的艷麗、穿過中央公園欣賞這城市的綠地、在城市光廊旁誤闖到周董的JCAFE。在JCAFE午休後,繼續路程,經過輕軌真愛碼頭站後,就在駁二附近瞎逛、等待出發去紅毛港。這輯分享從飯店經美麗島站到中央公園的照片。 The highlight of this day was visiting Hongmaogang Cultural Park. We have booked the ticket of 15:40pm, departing from Pier-2 by boat. Therefore, we decided to walk from our hotel to Pier-2. We went through the Formosa Boulevard MRT station to visit its “Dome of Light”, the largest glass work in the world. Then, we walked…

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