Tag Archives: 海洋 Sea

【13夏】16-07。蔚藍海岸線 Azure Coastline (1) Zadar to Pag Island, Croatia

This’s the 11th day of our journey. We travelled from Zadar to Opatija, our last stop in Croatia. Continue reading

【13夏】15-07。出海遊科納提國家公園 Kornati National Park, Croatia (1)

到克羅地亞,當然得去享受地中海那蔚藍的擁抱。這天,我們參加Kornati Excursion,到科納提國家公園(官方網頁)一日遊。這國家公園由89個大大小小的島嶼組成,每個島嶼都各有風采。它的海底世界也很精彩,是潛水天堂之一。
This day, we joined the Kornati Excursion to visit the Kornati National Park. This N.P. has 89 islands and covers the bigger part of the Kornati waters. This area has exceptional landscape and rich communities of the submarine eco-system, is an interesting destination for tourists, divers, mountaineers and other nature lovers. Continue reading

【13夏】14-07。沿途景色 Zadar – Vransko Jezero

離開扎達爾時,時間還早,我們就順著回民宿的路到沿途的小鎮看看,最後還去克羅地亞最大的湖Vransko Jezero繞了一圈。
It’s still early when we’re leaving Zadar. So we took the chance to visit some small villages and also Vransko Jezero, the largest lake of Croatia. Continue reading

【13夏】12-07。再遊特羅吉爾 Again in Trogir, Croatia

Compare with Split, Trogir is a small town. Continue reading

【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特之戴克里先宮 Split, Croatia (2) Diocletian’s Palace

Diocletian’s Palace is the landmark of Split and one of the world’s cultural heritage. As we could not join any boat tour to the islands nearby Split, we decided to enjoy our time by walking around in this old city area.  Continue reading

【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特 Split, Croatia (1)

Split is one of the oldest city in Croatia, with more than 1700 years history (wikipedia). Due to our short stay, we didn’t have the chance to enjoy island hopping to those islands nearby Split. We joined a bus tour to have a quick view of the city and beaches. Then we spent our time by walking around in this beautiful city. Continue reading

【環島逍遙遊】11-08。騎自行車賞清水斷崖 QingShui Cliffs


In the last morning by Crossing The Rainbow Bridge, HuaLian, we went to the beach with Mr. Li. We were cycling across the local village and farms, and enjoyed the great view of the QingShui Cliffs.
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