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20171104。恩荷芬第四屆粵劇日 Cantonese Opera Show at CKE, Eindhoven
In samenwerking met Centrum voor de Kunsten Eindhoven (CKE), hebben Stichting Chinese Cultuur en Kunst/Chinese opera groep Eindhoven gisteren hun 4e editie Cantonese Opera Show georganiseerd. Hier zijn de foto’s van de activiteit, en de foto’s van opera worden per show gepost. Continue reading
20170827。東方文化之日 Oosterse dagen bij Museum Klok & Peel, Asten (2)
These are the second set photos.
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20170827。東方文化之日 Oosterse dagen bij Museum Klok & Peel, Asten (1)
今天為一群到Asten舞蹈演出的阿姨拍照,活動是當地博物館Museum Klok & Peel主辦、為期兩天的東方文化之日(oosterse dagen)。照片分兩輯上載,除了阿姨們的中華舞蹈,還有其他活動項目(日本柔術、太鼓、盆栽等),也包括博物館的收藏和園藝景觀。
[NL] Vandaag gingen we de oosterse dagen bij Museum Klok & Peel in Asten. Vele culturele activiteiten, zoals Chinese dansen, Japanse Jujitsu en Taiko, Bonsai, verschillende soorten van massages, yoga etc, zijn georganiseerd. De fotos van de oosterse dagen en museum worden in twee artikelen gepost.
[EN] Today, we went Oriental Days at Clock & Peel Museum in Asten. There were many cultural programmes, such as Chinese dances, Japanese Jujitsu and Taiko, Bonsai, different massages, yoga etc, been organised. The photos of Oriental Days and of museum will be shared in two posts. Continue reading
20150406。復活節農民復古市集 Boeremèrt, Liempde
Every year, there’s Boeremèrt (ancient farmer market) at Liempde in Noord Brabant during 2nd Easter Day. These are the pictures of 2015 version, which I found that I have saved them for 2 years and forgot to post them. Thus, I post them together next to 2017 version, as they are not exactly the same pictures been taken.
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【Vietnam】20160709。沙壩 Sapa (2)
[EN] After a short nap, we’re recharged with energy to continue our way to discover Sapa Town. We walked to Sapa Lake and Sapa Market, and visited the local dancing show at square in front of the Stone Church in the evening. Continue reading
20170107。冰上芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》 The Nutcracker on Ice, Theater Orpheus, Apeldoorn
為了張羅送給公公婆婆結婚55週年的禮物,在Groupon上看到了冰上芭蕾舞劇的折扣卷,就決定來個一日遊,到Apeldoorn的Theater Orpheus觀賞這著名的芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》。我和巴特算是初體驗,之前都沒看過現場的溜冰表演。看完表演,對這些演員的溜冰功夫是佩服的五體投地。在小小的舞台也能表演各種篦美專業花式溜冰比賽的動作,結合芭蕾舞劇的表演,實在是太精彩了。
[NL] “Notenkraker on Ice” was een voorstelling dat ik per toeval heb gevonden op Groupon, en deze voorstelling hebben als cadeau gegeven aan mijn schoonouders als cadeau van hun 55e bruiloft. De voorstelling was plaats gevonden bij Theater Orpheus in Apeldoorn. Bart en ik zijn voor de eerste keer een ijsballet show gezien. Ik heb echt zo een respect aan de professionele dansers die moesten schaatsen en hun rol spelen in de balletshow.
[EN] “The Nutcracker on Ice” was a present for my parents-in-law to celebrate their 55th Wedding Anniversary. The show took place at Theater Orpheus at Apeldoorn. It’s a very first experience for me and Bart to watch live ice dancing. All of the dancers were professional skater and ballet dancer. We had a great evening enjoying the wonderful show.
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【Vietnam】20160706。越南水上木偶戲 Vietnamese Water Puppetry
[EN]Vietnamese water puppetry (Vietnamese: Múa rối nước) is a tradition with almost thousand years history. Today, it is a unique variation on the ancient Asian puppet tradition. The shows are performed in a waist-deep pool. The woorden puppets are controlled by the puppeteers hidden behind a screen. The theme has a strong reference to Vietnamese folklore, telling of daily living in rural Vietnam and Vietnamese folk tales (more details: wikipedia). Since we were in Vietnam, we have taken the opportunity to watch this traditional water puppertry at Thang Long Water Puppet Theather (Official website). The ticket was 100.000 VND (about 4 Euro, or 18 Ringgit) per person, and the duration of the show was 45 minutes. Continue reading
20151110。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2015
[NL] De GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven is al voorbij. Dit jaar hebben we een deel van de route in de stad bezocht, en de route bij Strijp-S hebben we helemaal gemist. Vergeleken met andere jaren, GLOW van dit jaar was minder interessant.
[EN] The GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven became a chapter in history already. We have visited a part of the city route only. Compare to previous years, we felt that the show of this year just less interesting without a lot of “WOOW” effects.
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今年提早到粵劇表演現場,也為折子戲的演員拍了上妝的花絮。 Continue reading
20151107。恩荷芬第三屆粵劇欣賞日 Cantonese Opera Show at CKE, Eindhoven
2015年11月7日,中華文化藝術協會(SCCK)與安多芬藝術中心(CKE)合辦第三屆粵劇欣賞日,受邀為此次活動拍攝特寫照片。雖只略曉粵語,但拍舞台表演還是行的。這屆欣賞日有三場粵劇折子戲演出,分別為:狄青勇闖三關之猜心事、俏潘安之店遇、紫釵記之拾釵結緣,不少唱曲,加上粵劇訓練班的導師與學員合力演出的基本功、扇子功、水袖功,活動圓滿成功。 Continue reading
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