Tag Archives: 河內 Hanoi

【Vietnam】20160712。河內的景德鎮–缽場 Bát Tràng Ceramic Village, Hanoi (2)


After we had walked through the main streets in Bát Tràng and explored the Vietnamese ceramic culture, we moved to AEON Shopping Mall in the neighbourhood to have a nice closing for our Hanoi tour. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160712。河內的景德鎮–缽場 Bát Tràng Ceramic Village, Hanoi (1)


缽場(Bát Tràng)是越南河內著名的陶瓷村,有“河內的景德鎮”之稱。我們慕名而來,大妹想找靈感兼買紀念品,我和巴特就當著是趟文化之旅,欣賞在越南醞孕出來的陶瓷文化。
Last day in Hanoi, we went to Bát Tràng to spot for souvenir. “Bát Tràng (literally: bát is bowl and tràng is workshop) is an old, well established village in the Gia Lâm district of Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. It is about 13 km from central Hanoi. It is famous for producing a unique style of ceramics called Bát Tràng Porcelain. Bát Tràng is well known throughout Vietnam for its beautiful ceramics.” (Source: wikipedia) Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160711。沙壩-河內 Sapa to Hanoi


We arrived Sapa bus station at 15:30pm, and confirmed our bus tour back to Hanoi. Our bus departed at 16pm on time. It took 6,5 hours until we finally arrived our hotel in Hanoi. We decided to have our dinner nearby our hotel and went to bed early, to prepare for the tour to Bat Trang Ceramic Village the next day.
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【Vietnam】20160709。河內-老街 Hanoi to Lao Cai



[NL] Na Halong Bay en Tam Coc, hebben we nog een reisje naar Sapa, een bergachtig gebied met mooie uitzicht van rijstvelden. De afstand tussen Hanoi en Sapa is ongeveer 320 km en het duurt rond 6,5 uur bij bus. We hebben gekozen voor een 3D2N pakket, inclusief rondleiding bij rijstvelden gebied met gid. We vertrokken om 6:30 am van de eerste dag vanuit Hanoi. Hieronder zijn de foto’s van Hanoi naar Lao Cai.

[EN] After visiting Halong Bay and Tam Coc, this’s our last tour package in Vietnam: 3D2N to Sapa. Sapa is at the northern of Vietnam and it’s famous with its spectacular scenery of the (rice) terrace at mountain area. It is about 320 km away from Hanoi and took about 6,5 hours by bus. We’re picked up from our hotel to bus station at 6:30 am. At 7 am, our touring bus departed from Hanoi to Sapa. These’re the pictures from Hanoi to Lao Cai. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160708。河內三十六條古街 Old Quarter, Hanoi (2)


中午,我們到Hanoi Rocks Hostel用午餐,繼續小逛一會就回酒店休息。晚上去逛了夜市,有些小失望,沒有很多具特色的東西可以看。
[NL] Bij Hanoi Rocks Hostel hebben we lunch gehad. ‘s avonds gingen we naar de lokale nachtmarkt bij Hang Dao. De nachtmarkt was niet bijzonder en waren weinig te zien behalve bergen van mensen.
[EN] At noon, we had our lunch at Hanoi Rocks Hostel, a famous hostel at Old Quarter. In the evening, we went to the local night market. It’s not very special beside crowding public. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160708。河內三十六條古街 Old Quarter, Hanoi (1)


這是小妹的越南之旅的最後一天,她在次日飛回馬來西亞,而我們則繼續三人行到中越邊界的沙壩賞梯田。為了避免不必要的變數,我們選擇留在河內逛古城區的三十六條古街,白天逛街、晚上逛夜市。當中以同春市場(Chợ Đồng Xuân),或東宣市場,最具當地特色,它是河內最大的室內市場,主要批發、出售服裝、家居用品、食品等,遊客並不多。
[NL] Deze dag was een rustdag en we zijn gewoon in Hanoi gebleven. In Old Quarter zijn er heel veel winkels om te shoppen, inclusief de grootste markt voor groothandel, Dong Xuan Markt (Chợ Đồng Xuân). We hebben overall rondgekeken maar toch alleen kleine souvenirs gekocht.
[EN] This day, we stayed at Hanoi and went to shopping in Old Quarter. There’re many shops and stores in this old town area, including the largest wholesaler market of Hanoi, Dong Xuan Market (Chợ Đồng Xuân). We did enjoy window-shopping, especially at Dong Xuan Market, but we had only bought some small souvenirs. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160707。長安-河內 Trang An to Hanoi



[NL] Na de boottocht, gingen we terug naar Hanoi. Toen we aankwamen in Hanoi, gingen we meteen naar het restaurant dat we een dag daarvoor hebben bezocht, avondeten. Na een lange dag op reis, zijn we na het eten direct terug naar ons hotel gegaan om te rusten.

[EN] After the boat tour at Trang An, we went back to Hanoi. It took about 2,5 hours until we arrived the Old Quarter. We decided to have our dinner immediately at the same restaurant that we have visited a day before. After dinner, we didn’t have any mood to have other activities; thus, we went back to our hotel early for a good sleep. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160707。河內-寧平 Hanoi to Ninh Bình


[NL] Die dag gingen we naar Ninh Bình voor een reisje bij het natuurgebied Trang An, die ook benoemd is met zijn Karst landscape zoals Halong Bay. De afstand tussen Hanoi en Ninh Bình was ongeveer 100 km. Omdat het juist regenseizoen was, waren veel plaatsen
[EN] Trang An Landscape Complex in Ninh Bình is another spot in Vietnam, famous with its Karst landschap. It’s about 100 km away from Hanoi, and there are many one-day-trips to visit this area. At 8:30 am, we were picked up from our hotel and began our journey to Ninh Bình. It took about 2.5 hours, and it won’t be boring to catch the great scenery on the way. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160706。越南水上木偶戲 Vietnamese Water Puppetry



[EN]Vietnamese water puppetry (Vietnamese: Múa rối nước) is a tradition with almost thousand years history. Today, it is a unique variation on the ancient Asian puppet tradition. The shows are performed in a waist-deep pool. The woorden puppets are controlled by the puppeteers hidden behind a screen. The theme has a strong reference to Vietnamese folklore, telling of daily living in rural Vietnam and Vietnamese folk tales (more details: wikipedia). Since we were in Vietnam, we have taken the opportunity to watch this traditional water puppertry at Thang Long Water Puppet Theather (Official website). The ticket was 100.000 VND (about 4 Euro, or 18 Ringgit) per person, and the duration of the show was 45 minutes. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160706。河內老城區走走 Old Quarter of Hanoi


[NL] Toen we terug naar Hanoi waren, gingen we eerst naar Thang Long Water Puppet Theather om de tickets van de waterpoppenshow te regelen. Daarna hebben we langs de Sword Lake en Old Quarter gewandeld om meer van de chaotische stad te beleven.
[EN] When we came back to Hanoi, we fell in the chaotic surroundings again. After check-in at our hotel, we went to buy the tickets of the famous Vietnamese water puppetry first. Then, we took the time to discover more about Hanoi at the Sword Lake and Old Quarter. Continue reading

【Vietnam】20160706。團洲島-河內 Tuần Châu, Halong to Hanoi


[NL] Wanneer we terug kwamen naar Tuần Châu eiland, we werden opgehaald bij de busje richting Hanoi. Het weer was niet zo mooi onderweg maar ik kon nog steeds veel plezier hebben met fotos maken van de landschap en lokale leven.
[EN] Back to Tuần Châu Island, we stepped in our bus to Hanoi. The journey took about 4 hours. On the way, the weather was not prefect, but I still could find a lot of funs to shoot the local life and landscape. Continue reading