Author Archives: MiriSusanna

【13夏】13-07。沿途景色 From Marina to Drage, Croatia

第六天,我們沿著海岸線從Marina開車到Drage,途中經過Sibenik、去了以瀑布和湖泊有名的克爾卡國家公園。The 6th day, we drove from Marina to Sibenik to visit the farmous Krka National Park. Then we continued our way to north to Drage, where we’re going to stay for 3 nights.
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【13夏】12-07。再遊特羅吉爾 Again in Trogir, Croatia

Compare with Split, Trogir is a small town. Continue reading

【13夏】12-07。古城斯普利特之戴克里先宮 Split, Croatia (2) Diocletian’s Palace

Diocletian’s Palace is the landmark of Split and one of the world’s cultural heritage. As we could not join any boat tour to the islands nearby Split, we decided to enjoy our time by walking around in this old city area.  Continue reading

27-04。聖彼得山之北部洞窟 North Caves of Mount St. Pieter

Mount St. Pieter is a hill plateau with limestone massif. Since Roman times, people started to use the limestone blocks of Mount St. Pieter for the constructions in Maastricht, such as churches, buildings, walls etc. Therefore, there are many caves and underground corridors in this area. Here used to have almost 20.000 corridors but half of them were destroyed due to the developement of the cement industry. During the 2nd War World, this underground area used to be a secret hiding place.
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27-04。馬斯垂克之聖彼得堡壘 Fort St.Pieter of Maastricht

Maastricht is an ancient city in the south of the Netherlands, about an hour driving from Eindhoven. The focus of our trip is to visit the Fort and the underground caves at Mount St. Pieter.
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【Canada 2014】05-04。歸程 Edmonton,CA to Eindhoven,NL

Our vacation in Canada was quite short. Thanks for the hospitality of my aunt and family. Our trip to Rocky Mountains can be considered as a quick view of this world famous nature area, and, for sure, we’ll visit here again in the season when the mountains and lakes have get rid of their white coats.
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【Canada 2014】02-04。洛磯山脈 Rocky Mountains to Edmonton

The next morning in Jasper, the weather changed and started to snow. We tried to continue with a short part of Highway no.93 to south, but the sight was so bad that even we could not see the mountains anymore. Thus, we decided to turn north and drive back to Edmonton. Continue reading

19-04。荷蘭一日遊 One day trip in Holland (2) Hoorn – Enkhuizen – Houtribdijk – Amsterdam

After visiting Zaanse Schans, we went to the North part of North Holland province, to see the result of the Dutch watermanagement and land reclamation projects. Continue reading