【17返馬】20170730。美里之尾聲 Last Day in Miri

天下沒有不散的筵席,轉眼就來到我們在美里停留的最後一天。因為我們坐的是次日早晨六點的班機離開,所以,中午就先回家跟爸媽一起吃頓午飯、告別,讓公公婆婆有足夠的時間收拾行李、晚上提早休息。 All good things come to an end. This’s the last day in Miri already, and we would move on to K.K. the next day at 6 am. Therefore, we visited my parents for lunch as farewell, to let Wim and Diny have an easy time later to prepare for their coming trip.

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【17返馬】20170729。美里文化剪影 Cultural spots in Miri

這天早上回家祭祖,我們讓兩老在酒店自由活動。下午,我們去東姑村看看馬來西亞的多元宗教文化–華人的華光寺和它對面的印度廟,然後到美里公共公園走走。 This morning, we let Wim and Diny to have their own activities at hotel. In the afternoon, we brought them to Chinese and Hindu temples to explore the multi-cultural society in Malaysia, and last at Miri Public Park for sightseeing.

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【17返馬】20170727。同學會 Gathering

每次回美里,總會找中學的同學一起聚聚。這次應巴特“同學”的要求,把同學會安排在他來美里之後,聚餐地點是在Luak的泰式餐館“泰北美食”。畢業二十幾年,還能聚在一起的就是緣分。 Every time when I’m in Miri, we will catch up with each others. We’re classmates at secondary school, and we’re friends for 25+ years. We have to cherish every chances to meet and have funs to enrich our memories. We have arranged this gathering at a Thai restaurant, after the arrival of our “classmate”…

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【17返馬】20170726。實務地一日遊 One day trip to Sibuti

悠哉地過了幾天,時差也調過來了,是時候開始旅行的節奏了。這天,我們帶公公婆婆到實務地,參觀爸爸的果園,還有去三個不同的海邊景點走走。 After few relaxing days, our Dutch guests got used to the new rhythm already, and it’s time to start with some busy programs. This day, we went to Sibuti to visit my father’s orchard, and three beaches (Bungai, Tusan, and Luak Explanade) with different exposures.

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【17返馬】20170725。美里萬豪渡假酒店 Miri Marriott Resort & Spa

曾經的皇家麗佳酒店,現為萬豪旗下的渡假酒店,美里目前唯二的五星級酒店之一。這天沒什麽節目,除了去星辰廣場走了一小圈,其他時間都在酒店享受。 Miri Marriott Resort & Spa, the Former RIHGA Royal Hotel Miri, is one of the two 5-stars hotels in Miri. This day, we didn’t have any special programs. So, beside a short trip to Bintang Plaza, we enjoyed the whole day at hotel.

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20180310。恩荷芬國際婦女日活動 International Women’s Day celebration in Eindhoven (1)

這是為恩荷芬CLO主辦的國際婦女日慶祝會拍的活動照片。 The C. L. O. (The Latin American Center for Orientation) has organized this year (for the fifth time) the celebration of International Women’s Day in Eindhoven on Saturday 10 March 2018 at the Parktheater Eindhoven. These are the photos of this wonderful event.

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