這是第二輯照片,為慶典活動的下半場。 Continue reading
Tag Archives: 恩荷芬 Eindhoven
20180519。安多芬中文學校40週年校慶慶典 Eindhoven Chinese School 40th Anniversary (1)
今天為安多芬中文學校(學校介紹請參考官網)四十週年(1978-2018)校慶慶典(新聞見附錄 )。來恩荷芬的第十三個年頭,第一次到中文學校來,為慶典拍活動照片,分三輯上載。 Continue reading
20180505。升級全幅機身 Canon 6D Mark II
玩相機燒錢,但燒自己的錢就不必顧忌太多。升級全幅是想了很久的事,應該說是當初從50D升70D就掙扎過。這次決定買全幅入門級的新王者Canon 6D Mark II,然後重新變回一機一鏡的模式,因為只剩下28-300mm這支鏡頭能用了。考慮這台機身,除了它的進階拍攝功能,主要是它的衛星定位(這樣就不必另外帶GPS Tracker,回來還得用軟件輯寫),還有28-300mm就搖身成了廣角變焦旅鏡,挺夠用了!
Just upgrade my DSLR camera to full frame Canon 6D Mark II, together with the only lens 28-300mm that still fix to this body, this become my traveling partner in coming years. I consider this camera, not only for its advanced features for photography, but mainly due to its GPS tracking and logging function (so I can skip a separate GPS logger which requires extra handling afterwards). What nice is that my 28-300mm turn into a wide angle zoom lens, which means I can use this combination in general for all purposes (except my P900 to shot pictures of small birds). Continue reading
20180503。散步賞鳥 Pure birds
With a nice weather, walk in neighborhood for 4.82km to shot birds’ pictures. These photos include Eurasian coot (a family of 7), common blackbird, wild duck (mum + 6 ducklings), Canada goose, common moorhen, great crested grebe, Egyptian goose, great tit, and blue tit. Continue reading
20180501。散步賞鳥 Walk for birds
Have a walk after dinner and look for birds in neighborhood. These series include pica pica, great tit, common blackbird, Egyptian goose (a family of 7), Canada goose (a family of 7), Eurasian coot (a family of 4), European Robin and woodpecker. Continue reading
20180421。放風散步 Nature
Photos of nature with Tamron 18-400mm lens. Continue reading
20180407。鳥語花香 It’s Spring
Today, the weather was top for outdoor activities. I decided to make pictures of the spring scenery, and also to spot birds (koolmees, pimpelmees, meerkoet, brandgans, fuut, winterkoning etc) in neighborhood. This section includes some crop pictures from original photo. Continue reading
20180401。復活節放風 Easter to Leenderbos
Yesterday was Easter. We went to Leenderbos to have a forest bath in a drizzle. Continue reading
20180310。恩荷芬國際婦女日活動 International Women’s Day celebration in Eindhoven (2)
Continue from part 1 Continue reading
20180310。恩荷芬國際婦女日活動 International Women’s Day celebration in Eindhoven (1)
The C. L. O. (The Latin American Center for Orientation) has organized this year (for the fifth time) the celebration of International Women’s Day in Eindhoven on Saturday 10 March 2018 at the Parktheater Eindhoven. These are the photos of this wonderful event. Continue reading
20171117。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2017
轉眼間,這是第十二屆恩荷芬光藝節了。今年只到市區走了六公里、看了約30個項目,在PSV球場和Van Abbe博物館的特別節目就向隅了。
These are the photos of the 12th edition of Eindhoven GLOW. Continue reading
【17返馬】20170708-09。啟程 NL – KLIA – Miri
This year, I went back to Malaysia for 5 weeks during summer holiday. After resit on 7th of July, I started immediately my journey at the next day. This post’s going to share the photos from the Netherlands to Miri. Above is the photo of Penang Second Bridge, or Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah Bridge. The total length of the bridge is 24 km with length over water at 16.9 km, making it the longest bridge in Malaysia and the longest in Southeast Asia (wikipedia).
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