Author Archives: MiriSusanna

20151219。安特衛普聖誕市集 Antwerpen Christmas Market


[NL] Afgelopen jaren zijn we alleen bij Duitse kerstmarket geweest. Dit jaar gingen we naar Antwerpen om de Belgische kerstsfeer te genieten. Toen we bij de Grote Markt kwamen, wisten we pas dat er een feest is voor 450 jaar bestaat van het stadhuis van Antwerpen. Dus we zijn ook verrast door een lichtshow op het plein.
[EN] We have visited a lot of Christmas markets in Germany already and we decided to visit Belgium Chrismas market this year at Antwerpen. When we arrived the Great Market Square of Antwerpen, we were surprised by the light show of the celebration of 450th annivesary of the City Hall Building.
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20151110。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2015


[NL] De GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven is al voorbij. Dit jaar hebben we een deel van de route in de stad bezocht, en de route bij Strijp-S hebben we helemaal gemist. Vergeleken met andere jaren, GLOW van dit jaar was minder interessant.
[EN] The GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven became a chapter in history already. We have visited a part of the city route only. Compare to previous years, we felt that the show of this year just less interesting without a lot of “WOOW” effects.
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20151107。恩荷芬第三屆粵劇欣賞日 Cantonese Opera Show at CKE, Eindhoven


2015年11月7日,中華文化藝術協會(SCCK)與安多芬藝術中心(CKE)合辦第三屆粵劇欣賞日,受邀為此次活動拍攝特寫照片。雖只略曉粵語,但拍舞台表演還是行的。這屆欣賞日有三場粵劇折子戲演出,分別為:狄青勇闖三關之猜心事、俏潘安之店遇、紫釵記之拾釵結緣,不少唱曲,加上粵劇訓練班的導師與學員合力演出的基本功、扇子功、水袖功,活動圓滿成功。 Continue reading

20151101。鹿特丹一日遊 A day in Rotterdam


與琪莉和Candy兩家約在鹿特丹的川菜館“食為天”吃香喝辣,順道到新建的Markthal看看。這棟新穎且集辦公、住宅及室內市場為一體的建築遠近馳名,上過電視,許多人特地來這裡朝聖。我們小逛了一圈,就去兒童農場Kinderboerderij De Kooi走走,最後到琪莉家喝茶聊天,渡過了個精彩的星期天。
We haven’t visited the city centre of Rotterdam for years. Today, we went to Rotterdam specially for spicy lunch at Sansan Restaurant with friends. Meanwhile took the chance to visit the Markthal, a new famous residential- and office building with a market hall. Then, we visited Kinderboerderij De Kooi to let the children to release their energy, and lastly a warm gathering at Chi Li’s home.
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20151030。與蘇格蘭高地牛賞秋 Autumn Scene with Scottish Highlanders


趁沒上班,陪巴特到布雷達一趟,然後到恩荷芬附近的Oud Meer en Sonse Bossen自然保護區走走,為今年的秋天留些倩影。這自然區入秋後有蘇格蘭高地牛入駐,幸運的是,就這樣給我們遇上了。
It’s autumn now. The nature starts to turn into a colourful world. We visited “Oud Meer en Sonse Bossen”, a natural park in between Son and Best nearby Eindhoven. There are Scottisch Highlanders in this natural park in autumn and winter time. Luckily, we met them closely and got the chance to have some pictures of them. Continue reading

【China。七彩雲南】20140801。昆明-吉隆坡 Kunming to Kuala Lumpur


Last chapter of our 12 days Yunnan journey!
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【China。七彩雲南】20140801。昆明金碧廣場 Jinbi Square, Kunming


August 1st, we took the flight in evening to Malaysia. After check-out at our hotel, we went to the Jinbi Square at city centre for a quick tour and buying some souvenirs.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140731。香格里拉-昆明 Shangri-La to Kunming


At Shangri-La Airport, we said goodbye to our driver who has served us a safety journey, then we took the flight to go back to Kunming in late evening.
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