Friday, we were welcome by wonderful weather anywhere we came. Continue reading
Author Archives: MiriSusanna
【荷比德趴趴走】10-07。阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
After leaving NTNU for 9 years, this’s the first time that I have my classmate as my guest here in Holland. Continue reading
【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (4) Passo Del Gavia to Passo dello Stelvio
從Passo del Tonale開始,我們就一直在走山路,沿途景色美不勝收,但還是希望早點到酒店休息。就在接近天黑的當兒,我們到了海拔兩千四百多米的Passo dello Stevio,給近十二小時的路程劃上漂亮的句點。
From Tonale Pass, our journey in Alps area began. Although the views are so wonderful, but we started to hope to arrive our hotel a.s.a.p. After almost 12 hours driving, we arrived Hotel Perego at Passo dello Stelvio.
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【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (3) Passo Del Tonale to Passo Del Gavia
經過Passo Del Tonale,我們繼續往Passo Del Gavia走。為了賞美景,故意挑山路走,雖然有的山路非常險要,急彎很多,有的地方只有單道通車,但我們還是有驚無險、平安地跨過一座座的山峰和峽谷。
Passing the Tonale Pass, we continued our way to Gavia Pass. Although some parts of the roads were dangerous, but we have travelled through the mountains safety and gained a lot of beautiful memoris in this trip. Continue reading
【13夏】17-07。往北意的阿爾卑斯山脈 Going to Alps at North Italy (2) Avio to Passo Del Tonale
We departed to Alps at North Italy at 9:30am, but we started to have the feeling that we’re closed to Alps around 16pm. Although we spend most of the time on highway, but the last 5 hours journey became more and more interesting as the altitude bacame higher and higher.
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09-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (8) 歸途 Langeoog Island to Eindhoven
This’s the last part of the photos of our 2D1N trip to Ostfriesland at Germany. Continue reading
09-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (7) 島上風光 Landscape of Langeoog Island
Let’s continue our trip at Langeoog Island!
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09-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (6) 島上風光 Landscape of Langeoog Island
These are the photos of Langeoog Island.
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05-07。粉紅星期六遊行 Pink Saturday Parade at Eindhoven
這週末是恩荷芬的粉紅週末,昨天週六就被稱為粉紅星期六Roze Zaterdag,下午一點還有遊行節目。雖然沒有嘉年華遊行來的熱鬧,但參與和圍觀的人也不少。遊行的主題是:Diversiteit kleurt je leven!多元化讓你生活多姿多彩!(中文版是我不負責任的翻譯^^)
This weekend was the Pink Weekend of Eindhoven. Yesterday, there was Pink Saturday Parade at the city centre, with theme “Diversity colours your life!”
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09-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (5) Going to Langeoog Island
經酒店櫃檯服務員的介紹,我們選擇到Langeoog Island來個一日遊。
As introduce by the hotel, we decided to have a trip to Langeoog Island.
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03-07。恩荷芬夏日景色 Summer sights at Eindhoven
It’s summer time. The sunset is around 10 pm, and we still can take a walk in the neighbourhood after our dinner.
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08-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (4) Wittmund – Wilhelmshaven – Harlesiel
在酒店休息了會,我們到臨近的威廉港Wilhelmshaven走走。威廉港是德國天然水深最深的港口和德國最大的石油轉運港。我們在它的市中心逛了一會,都沒遇到合心意的餐廳,所以又掉頭回酒店的餐廳用晚餐。用完餐,已近日落時分,於是決定去了Harlesiel查查次日往Wangerooge Island的渡輪時間表。至於日落,因雲霧過重,就沒什麽美景可言了。
After check-in at Ringhotel Residenz Wittmund and had a short rest, then we decided to visit Wilhelmshaven, the only deep water port, the largest naval base and the most important import terminal for crude oil of Germany. As we couldn’t find any desirable restaurant at Wilhelmshaven, we turned back to our hotel to have our dinner. After that, we went to Harlesiel to check the ferry schedule for the next day, and it’s pity that we couldn’t catch any beautiful views of the sunset, due to cloudy and heavy mist.
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