[NL] Samenvatting van Miri tour tijdens Chinees nieuwjaar (5-20 februari 2016).
[EN] Summary of our Miri Chinese New Year Trip (5-20 February, 2016).
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Category Archives: 馬來西亞 Malaysia
2016CNY。吉隆坡 Kuala Lumpur
[NL] Voordat we terugkwamen naar Nederland hebben we drie dagen gebleven in Kuala Lumpur om een mooie afsluiting van de vakantie te genieten.
[EN] We stayed at Kuala Lumpur for three days to have a relax ending of our holiday.
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2016CNY。美里 Miri (3) Day 9 to Day 11
[NL] De laatste set van fotos in Miri tijdens Chinees Nieuwjaar.
[EN] The last set of photos in Miri during Chinese New Year 2016.
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2016CNY。美里 Miri (2) Day 4 to Day 8
[NL] Fotos van de 4e t/m 8e dag in Miri.
[EN] Pictures of our 4th day to 8th day at Miri.
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2016CNY。美里鱷魚園兼野生動物園 Miri Crocodile Farm & Wildlife Park
[NL] Tijdens onze verblijving in Miri, hebben we alleen een toeristische activiteit gehad: Miri Krokodillenboerderij bezoeken. De boerderij heeft ook andere wilde dieren in huis, zoals bieren, slangen, vogels, apen, paarden enzovoort. Laat je ook inspireren met de fotos van het bezoek.
[EN] Visiting Miri Crocodile Farm was our only tourist activity in Miri. Except crocodiles, there are a lot of wild animals as well in the farm, such as snakes, bears, monkeys, birds, horses etc. Let go through the wonderful trip by photos! Continue reading
2016CNY。美里 Miri (1) Day 1 to Day 3
[NL] Dit jaar zijn we in Miri geweest tijdens Chinees Nieuwjaar. Bijna twee weken thuis gebleven, had ik echt zo’n rust gevoel dat ik thuis ben geweest met familie en niet alleen vakantie ben geweest. Ik ga de foto’s hier delen in een paar artikelen volg de data.
[EN] During Chinese New Year, we were in Miri for the celebration. For almost two weeks, I really had a wonderful time with family without a lot of tourist activities. I will share the pictures here in a few articles.
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【China。七彩雲南】20140801。昆明-吉隆坡 Kunming to Kuala Lumpur
Last chapter of our 12 days Yunnan journey!
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20141030。侄兒捎來的愛語 Love from Alvin
今年九月,侄兒Alvin到沙巴亞庇參加心算比賽時,去了Manukan島玩,還給大姑和大姑丈捎了愛語。軒聞,大姑、大姑丈、還有姐姐們也愛你! Continue reading
【China。七彩雲南】20140721。吉隆坡-昆明 Kuala Lumpur to Kunming
On July 21st, our 12 days journey to Yunnan province of China began. We took the AirAsia flight at 13:05 pm, from Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (klia2) to Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province.
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【14夏】20140719。啟程 Paris – Kuala Lumpur
From Paris to Kuala Lumpur, we couldn’t have our seats together and both of us didn’t get a window seat. Fortunately, I could exchange my seat with Sharon who prefer to sit nearby airle. This gave me a great chance to make beautiful pictures on the way. After arriving Kuala Lumpur, we didn’t have a lot of activities. The main task was only to have a good preparation for the next day to fly to China.
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Quick View of Kota Kinabalu Tour 2012
This’s a quick view of our Kota Kinabalu (KK) 7D6N tour, a great memory of our summer holiday of 2012 in Malaysia. Besides visiting my family in Miri, we went to KK for a week as tourist.
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【10返馬】姆魯Mulu(8)08-08。姆魯-美里 Mulu-Miri
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