【Vietnam】20160705。下龍灣 Halong Bay (1)

「海上桂林」下龍灣位於越南東北部,為典型格斯特地形,海灣中密集分佈著1969座石灰岩島嶼,為自然世界遺產之一。下龍灣是北越之旅的熱點,旅遊業旺盛,下龍灣的海上遊輪服務、下龍市周邊的旅館及渡假村種種旅遊設施,應有盡有。我們選擇的是Aclass Cruises旗下的Stellar號(官網)的兩天一夜遊,含四餐一宿、兩項觀光活動:遊驚訝洞和漂浮漁村。這輯是在Stellar號上第一天的照片。 [NL] Halong Bay, ofwel Ha Longbaai, is een baai in het noordoost van Hanoi. In de baai liggen 1969 kalkstenen eilanden en de uitzichten in deze regio zijn spectaculair. Halong Bay is opgenomen op de UNESCO lijst in 1994 en het is een van de populairste toeristenbestemmingen van Vietnam. We hebben Aclass Stellar…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140726。瀘沽湖與神秘女兒國 Lugu Lake & The Women’s Kingdom

來到秀麗的瀘沽湖,讓我們對神秘的女兒國有了進一步的認識。瀘沽湖位於雲南省與四川省之間,湖邊的居民以摩梭人為主。摩梭人屬母系社會,女性當家,男不婚、女不嫁,有走婚的習俗。我們因第二天得提早啟程回麗江,遊瀘沽湖的行程就只選了坐豬槽船遊湖及晚上的篝火晚會。雖然沒有環湖,錯失了好些景點,但還是不虛此行,收穫不少。 During our visiting at Lugu Lake, we learn more about the real Women’s Kingdom. Lugu Lake is located on the border between Yunnan Province and Sichuan Province. The main inhabitants here are Mosuo people, who still remain their traditional culture and matriarchal society structure. There are no marriage and women play a main role in…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140723。大理洱海 Erhai Lake, Dali

下午兩點,我們從蝴蝶泉附近的碼頭乘坐杜鵑號遊輪遊洱海。洱海,長約40公里,寬約7-8公里,面積250平方公里,是雲南省第二大、中國第七大的淡水湖。兩個半小時的旅程,讓我們以很悠閒的方式感受洱海之大、蒼山之美,也為早晨匆促的行程來個緩衝。 14pm, we joined a cruise tour to enjoy the beauty of Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountain that surround the lake. Erhai is situated at 1,972 metres above sea level. In size, the North-South length of the lake is 40 kilometres and the East-West width is roughly 7–8 kilometres. Its area is 250 square kilometres,…

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