This’s the last day of our 3D2N trip to Sapa. We would go back to Hanoi at 16 pm, thus, we decided to visit Ham Rong Mountain Park in the morning. This park is located at Ham Rong Mountain, and there are several places where we can have great views of Sapa Town and her surroundings. Continue reading
Tag Archives: 自然 Nature
20170426。庫肯霍夫花園 10th Visiting of Keukenhof (2)
Continue our journey.
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20170426。庫肯霍夫花園 10th Visiting of Keukenhof (1)
This is my 10th visiting to Keukenhof in 12 years. Keukenhof is a world famous Dutch tulip garden, one of the must visit destinations of tourists in the Netherlands. This time, we’re welcome everywhere by the wonderful hyacinth’s fragrancy. Some of the tulips didn’t bloom yet, but the cherry blossoms did have their most beautiful moments. Let’s enjoy the scenery of Keukenhof!
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【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (5) Bản Dền to Sapa
因為沒遊Bản Dền村,我們有充裕的時間在回沙壩的路上停車拍景,享受沙壩梯田的夏日盛景。
Because we didn’t decide to visit Bản Dền Village, we did have enough time to have a relaxing journey back to Sapa Town. We stopped at few locations to enjoy the scenery and, for sure, to make pictures. Continue reading
【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (4) Ta Van to Bản Dền
健行到Ta Van後,我們繼續坐車到Bản Dền(泰族村落)。途中,在一小店休息、用午餐。到了Bản Dền,我們參觀了家民宿,剛好主人家在釀酒,也一窺釀酒的過程。
After 4km trekking, we continued our way to Bản Dền by car. On the way, we stopped at a small shop to have our lunch. When we arrived Bản Dền, we were welcome at a homestay to have a look of local culture. Continue reading
20170409。重遊古城 Willemstad
After buld fields’ photo shooting at Goeree-Overflakkee, we went to Willemstad to meet our friends. Continue reading
20170409。南荷賞花 Spring at Goeree-Overflakkee
It’s spring. We went to Goeree-Overflakkee at South Holland again, to visit the bulb fields in bloom, a colourful world to celebrate spring time. Continue reading
【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (3) Lao Chai to Ta Van
這次健行,最上鏡的就是牠了。專注的眼神、露齒的微笑,讓人很想親近牠。我們在大太陽下,沿著柏油路、經過Lao Chai村,往Ta Van村的出口走,司機大哥就在另一頭接我們。
This’s the best model of this trip. Just love its smile and look. We’re walking from Lao Chai to Ta Van and going to meet our driver at the end of the trekking route. Continue reading
【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (2) Lao Chai
離開了黑苗族的住家,我們繼續下坡往Lao Chai村去。
Leaving the Black Hmong’s home, we continued walking downhilling to Lao Chai Village.
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【Vietnam】20160710。沙壩梯田之旅 Sapa Terrace (1) Sapa to Lao Chai
重頭戲來囉!這天,帶著雀躍的心情,我們來去親睹沙壩梯田的壯觀美色。早上八點,導遊美蘭來酒店大堂接我們。坐上四輪驅動的休旅車,司機載著我們四位往Lao Chai村的路口,也即是健行賞景的出發點。我們悠哉地從Lao Chai村走到Ta Van村,約4公里的路程,花了兩個小時半,除了欣賞周圍的美景,還能一窺黑苗族的生活文化。司機在Ta Van村的路口接了我們,繼續往Bản Dền村。雖然正值梯田翠綠的季節,我們還是心滿意足地為眼前的美景驚嘆。等往後出門旅遊的時間比較有彈性時,一定要去拍一次豐收時的黃金梯田和灌水後穿上彩裳的梯田(首選雲南的元陽梯田)。這一系列的照片很多(因為都很喜歡,怎麽看怎麼美),將分成五篇分享。
[EN] Here we’re, the highlight of our Sapa tour: visiting the world famous Sapa Terrace. Our one day activities included trekking and sightseeing, by foot and by car. 8 o’clock in the morning, we’re picked up by our guide Meilan from hotel. Our driver brought us with his 4WD SUV to the entrance of Lao Chai Village where’s the start point of our trekking route. Then, we began our 4 km trekking route at Sapa Valley. The terraces’re covered by green carpet and the scenery’s remarkable beautiful. We took 2.5 hours to walk from Lao Chai to Ta Van, not only enjoying the great views but also learning some about Black Hmong’s culture and living style. After trekking, we continued our way to Bản Dền by car. It’s a wonderful journey to discover the beauty of Sapa Terrace. The photos will be posted into 5 sets. Continue reading
【Vietnam】20160709。沙壩 Sapa (2)
[EN] After a short nap, we’re recharged with energy to continue our way to discover Sapa Town. We walked to Sapa Lake and Sapa Market, and visited the local dancing show at square in front of the Stone Church in the evening. Continue reading
【Vietnam】20160709。沙壩 Sapa (1)
沙壩是越南北部高原地區老街省沙壩縣的縣政府所在地。它與越南最高峰潘西邦峰(Phan Xi Păng)相鄰,地理位置約海拔1500米,周圍被高山包圍。它的梯田,曾被評選為世界七大美麗梯田之一。既然到了北越,迷戀梯田景色的Susanna,當然不想錯失一覽梯田的壯觀景色。說到沙壩,這裡四處都有黑苗人和紅頭瑤的踪跡。從開始的好奇,到後來看到他們就很想逃,不因為他們的熱情,而是他們的博同情、強銷售的蠻勁。因為大部分稻田已經插秧,正值農休,婦女小孩都到鎮上來售賣農作物,或是成群地跟著遊客走、兜售他們的手工紀念品。這些東西單價不高,但是買一家的,必被其他家的糾纏,為了省事,還是得狠下心來什麽都不買。這真不知是該怪遊客破壞了他們樸素的生活,還是??
[EN] Sapa, or Sa Pa, is a frontier township and capital of Sa Pa District in Lào Cai Province in north-west Vietnam. It overlooks the terraced rice fields of the Muong Hoa Valley, and is near the 3,143m height Phan Xi Păng peak, which is climbable via a steep, multiday guided walk. These make Sapa a popular trekking base. We have selected Sapa as one of our destination because of its rice terraces which has been recommended at one of the seven most beautiful terraces of the world. Most of the local people are Hmong and Red Yao. When we arrived the bus station, we’re surrounded by Hmong women and children immediately. We’re curious about them at first, but we’re later really scared by their continued approachings to sell something to us. Although the souvenirs were not expensive, you would be “pushed” to buy more from others after you bought one. Thus, regardless of their smile or kindness, we had to ignore them to avoid problems. Continue reading