20170426。庫肯霍夫花園 10th Visiting of Keukenhof (1)

趁著五月假期,抽了一天跟家婆趴趴走,今年的目的地是鬱金香花園和台夫特。來荷十二年,這是第十度拜訪這全球著名的公園。這公園每年三月入春後只開放兩個月,年年都能看到公園團隊別具匠心的作品,從大型的園藝景觀到室內的花展,讓遊客年年來都不厭倦,而自掏腰包為鬱金香花園打廣告。今年適逢風信子盛開、迎鼻都是風信子的香氣,鬱金香還有少部分含苞待放,櫻花盛開,壓軸的杜鵑花還沒什麽動靜。雖然溫度只有攝氏十一度左右,偶爾刮刮冷風,但大部分時間都有艷陽高照,讓我們舒舒服服地遊園。這次只帶長鏡,照片分兩篇上載,來看照片吧! This is my 10th visiting to Keukenhof in 12 years. Keukenhof is a world famous Dutch tulip garden, one of the must visit destinations of tourists in the Netherlands. This time, we’re welcome everywhere by the wonderful hyacinth’s fragrancy. Some of the tulips didn’t bloom yet, but the cherry blossoms did have their most…

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20170417。復活節農民復古市集 Boeremèrt, Liempde

今年的復活節,我們又來Liempde的農民復古市集Boeremèrt。這次來得比較遲,錯過了傳統舞蹈表演,整體感覺就是商業化了很多,買餐飲的檔口劇增。不過,重點還是陪公公婆婆走走,回味下他們記憶中的北布拉邦農村氣氛。 Today is the 2nd day of Easter. We went to Boeremèrt, the historical farmer market of Noord Brabant, at Liempde. This year, we arrived late in the afternoon, and we missed the traditional dance shows. But, anyway, we have a wonderful afternoon with my parents-in-law who have a lot of memories to recall during…

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20150406。復活節農民復古市集 Boeremèrt, Liempde

每年的復活節第二天,在荷蘭北布拉邦省的Liempde都有農民復古市集。這是兩年前的照片,一直存在草稿未發,今天就跟2017年的照片一起發佈。兩年前,我們較早到現場,拍了不少傳統舞蹈和遊戲的照片,這是今年沒拍到的。 Every year, there’s Boeremèrt (ancient farmer market) at Liempde in Noord Brabant during 2nd Easter Day. These are the pictures of 2015 version, which I found that I have saved them for 2 years and forgot to post them. Thus, I post them together next to 2017 version, as they are not exactly the…

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20170107。冰上芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》 The Nutcracker on Ice, Theater Orpheus, Apeldoorn

為了張羅送給公公婆婆結婚55週年的禮物,在Groupon上看到了冰上芭蕾舞劇的折扣卷,就決定來個一日遊,到Apeldoorn的Theater Orpheus觀賞這著名的芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》。我和巴特算是初體驗,之前都沒看過現場的溜冰表演。看完表演,對這些演員的溜冰功夫是佩服的五體投地。在小小的舞台也能表演各種篦美專業花式溜冰比賽的動作,結合芭蕾舞劇的表演,實在是太精彩了。 [NL] “Notenkraker on Ice” was een voorstelling dat ik per toeval heb gevonden op Groupon, en deze voorstelling hebben als cadeau gegeven aan mijn schoonouders als cadeau van hun 55e bruiloft. De voorstelling was plaats gevonden bij Theater Orpheus in Apeldoorn. Bart en ik zijn voor de eerste keer een ijsballet show gezien….

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20160511。逍遙一日遊 Keukenhof & Utrecht (1)

以母親節為題約了婆婆,就我倆來個鬱金香花園與烏特勒支一日遊。本以為持續兩週的好天氣之後,花園內的花該是過了盛開的季節,入園後才發現,我們來的正是時候。來了鬱金香花園n次後,終於脫離了狂按快門的那群,悠哉地賞花遊園,選擇性地拍、但還是拍了很多照片。 [NL] Namens moederdag heb ik een dagje uit naar Keukenhof en Utrecht georganiseerd met mijn schoonmoeder. Gelukkig hebben we, na bijna twee weken warm weer, nog veel mooie bloemen kunnen genieten bij Keukenhof. [EN] Last Wednesday, I have visited Keukenhof and Utrecht with my mother-in-law as a trip for Mothers Day. Although we have had…

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