20151219。安特衛普聖誕市集 Antwerpen Christmas Market

逛了幾年的德國聖誕市集,今年心血來潮,決定去比利時的安特衛普逛聖誕市集。今年的聖誕氣氛多少有受到巴黎事件的影響,但過節的心情還是有的。這回碰巧遇到安特衛普市政府建築的450週年慶,順道在市集廣場上欣賞了段燈光秀,算是意外收穫。 [NL] Afgelopen jaren zijn we alleen bij Duitse kerstmarket geweest. Dit jaar gingen we naar Antwerpen om de Belgische kerstsfeer te genieten. Toen we bij de Grote Markt kwamen, wisten we pas dat er een feest is voor 450 jaar bestaat van het stadhuis van Antwerpen. Dus we zijn ook verrast door een lichtshow…

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20151110。恩荷芬光藝節 GLOW Eindhoven 2015

2015年度的恩荷芬光藝節又過去了。這次我們只逛了部分的市內景區,感覺不怎麽有特色。至於Strijp-S那區,有時間時天氣不好,天氣好時沒空,最後就錯過了。 [NL] De GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven is al voorbij. Dit jaar hebben we een deel van de route in de stad bezocht, en de route bij Strijp-S hebben we helemaal gemist. Vergeleken met andere jaren, GLOW van dit jaar was minder interessant. [EN] The GLOW 2015 in Eindhoven became a chapter in history already….

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20151101。鹿特丹一日遊 A day in Rotterdam

與琪莉和Candy兩家約在鹿特丹的川菜館“食為天”吃香喝辣,順道到新建的Markthal看看。這棟新穎且集辦公、住宅及室內市場為一體的建築遠近馳名,上過電視,許多人特地來這裡朝聖。我們小逛了一圈,就去兒童農場Kinderboerderij De Kooi走走,最後到琪莉家喝茶聊天,渡過了個精彩的星期天。 We haven’t visited the city centre of Rotterdam for years. Today, we went to Rotterdam specially for spicy lunch at Sansan Restaurant with friends. Meanwhile took the chance to visit the Markthal, a new famous residential- and office building with a market hall. Then, we visited Kinderboerderij De Kooi to let the children to release…

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【China。七彩雲南】20140801。昆明金碧廣場 Jinbi Square, Kunming

8月1日,我們乘坐的是徬晚的班機。早上退房後,我們到昆明市中心的金碧廣場(亦稱為“金馬碧雞坊”)逛逛,順便買些手信回家。 August 1st, we took the flight in evening to Malaysia. After check-out at our hotel, we went to the Jinbi Square at city centre for a quick tour and buying some souvenirs.

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【Barcelona】20150417。巴塞羅納 Barcelona Day 3

第三天,我們來個“高迪之日”,一口氣參觀了高迪的三處傑作:聖家堂、米拉之家和奎爾公園。走完三個點,我們提早回酒店養精蓄銳,準備應付第四天同樣緊湊的活動。 Our third day at Barcelona was a day of Antoni Gaudí. We have visited La Sagrada Familia, Casa Milà and Park Güell, three UNESCO World Heritages of him in one day.

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【Barcelona】20150416。巴塞羅納 Barcelona Day 2

第二天,我們拿著地圖隨意地逛,從聖家堂到格拉西亞大道,再從里貝拉到海港區,接著上蒙特惠奇山,最後到西班牙廣場和魔幻音樂噴泉,結束精彩的一天。 Second day, we just pinpointed at the map and began our tour in Barcelona. We went to La Sagrada Familia, Passeig de Gràcia, La Ribera, Montjuïc, Placa d’Espanya and closing with Font Màgica, a long and wonderful day!

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【Barcelona】20150416。格拉西亞大道與不和諧街區 Passeig de Gràcia & Illa de la Discòrdia

格拉西亞大道是巴塞羅納的時尚大街,其同時擁有四位風格不同的建築家作品(獅子與桑樹之家、穆雷拉斯之家、阿瑪特耶之家、巴特羅之家)的不和諧街區,更是著名的旅遊景點。 Passeig de Gràcia is one of the major avenues in Barcelona and is regarded as the most expensive street in Barcelona and in Spain. The Illa de la Discòrdia (English: Block of Discord; Spanish: Manzana de la Discordia) is a city block on Passeig de Gràcia and it is noted for having buildings by four…

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