Category Archives: 德比盧趴趴走

20151219。安特衛普聖誕市集 Antwerpen Christmas Market


[NL] Afgelopen jaren zijn we alleen bij Duitse kerstmarket geweest. Dit jaar gingen we naar Antwerpen om de Belgische kerstsfeer te genieten. Toen we bij de Grote Markt kwamen, wisten we pas dat er een feest is voor 450 jaar bestaat van het stadhuis van Antwerpen. Dus we zijn ook verrast door een lichtshow op het plein.
[EN] We have visited a lot of Christmas markets in Germany already and we decided to visit Belgium Chrismas market this year at Antwerpen. When we arrived the Great Market Square of Antwerpen, we were surprised by the light show of the celebration of 450th annivesary of the City Hall Building.
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【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。比利時納慕爾城堡 Citadel of Namur, Belgium


The Citadel or Castle of Namur was the last stop of our trip with my classmate from Taiwan. Namur in French, or Namen in Dutch, is a city at southern Belgium, the capital of Wallonia. The Citadel of Namur is a fortress at the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse rivers and has held a strategic position in the heart of Europe.
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【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。荷比德三國交界點、比利時默兹河船閘 Tripoint of NL/BE/DE & Sluis nearby Tihange, Belgium


Sunday morning, we departed from Aachen to Brussels. On the way, we visited the tripoint of NL/BE/DE, the sluis of Maas River nearby Tihange, Liege and the Castle of Namur.
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【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國阿亨 Aachen, Germany (2)


When the night came, beside enjoying the beauty of the city, we started to look for typical Germans cuisine, Schweinshaxe or roasted ham hock.
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【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國阿亨 Aachen, Germany (1)


After visiting Kölner Dom at Cologne, we went to Aachen. We’ve selected these two cities with a main purpose: showing two totally different doms to our friends.
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【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國科隆 Cologne, Germany


In the weekend, Bart became our driver to take us to Cologne and Aachen in Germany, the tripoint of NL/BE/DE and Namur (Namen) in Belgium.
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09-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (8) 歸途 Langeoog Island to Eindhoven


This’s the last part of the photos of our 2D1N trip to Ostfriesland at Germany. Continue reading

08-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (4) Wittmund – Wilhelmshaven – Harlesiel


在酒店休息了會,我們到臨近的威廉港Wilhelmshaven走走。威廉港是德國天然水深最深的港口和德國最大的石油轉運港。我們在它的市中心逛了一會,都沒遇到合心意的餐廳,所以又掉頭回酒店的餐廳用晚餐。用完餐,已近日落時分,於是決定去了Harlesiel查查次日往Wangerooge Island的渡輪時間表。至於日落,因雲霧過重,就沒什麽美景可言了。
After check-in at Ringhotel Residenz Wittmund and had a short rest, then we decided to visit Wilhelmshaven, the only deep water port, the largest naval base and the most important import terminal for crude oil of Germany. As we couldn’t find any desirable restaurant at Wilhelmshaven, we turned back to our hotel to have our dinner. After that, we went to Harlesiel to check the ferry schedule for the next day, and it’s pity that we couldn’t catch any beautiful views of the sunset, due to cloudy and heavy mist.
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08-06。德屬弗里西亞群島 Ostfriesland, DE (3) Emden to Witmund


It’s already 14pm after our short tour at Emden. We decided to go to some points at the coast to check the ferry schedule to the Wadden Islands for the next day. Then we went to Wittmund to check-in at Ringhotel.
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