20150523。雙人高空跳傘 Tandemjump at Paracentrum Texel

每當看到別人跳傘,都會跟巴特唸唸,說要是我也能跳一次、體驗下跳傘的感覺,那該有多好。於是,去年生日收到了巴特和家人合送的驚喜禮物--雙人高空跳傘。我們挑了五月底的週末,到Texel來個兩天一夜遊,目的就是兌現這份期待已久的夢想。 Everytime when I saw parachute jumping, I would have an idea to try it myself. Last year, I got a surprise from my family for a tandemjump at Texel. This weekend, we arranged a 2D1N trip to Texel and made my dream come true.

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20150215。魯爾蒙德一日遊 Roermond

巴特這幾年在家最大的愛好就是玩飛行模擬,趁Roermond的Flitesim(官方網頁)有半價優惠,就買了一個小時讓他去試飛Airbus320。去Roermond的那天,正好是嘉年華時節,城裡狂歡氣氛濃烈,辦完正事,就在城區小逛一圈,再到Outlet走走,就結束了短短的一日遊。 Playing flight simulator game at PC is Bart’s hobby for few years already. It’s time for him to fly an Airbus320 with real simulator. Flitesim at Roermond (official website) offered a special price at Social Deal, and we bought a ticket for an hour to try for the first time. When we were in…

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20150101。新年遊園賞燈 China Light Utrecht at de Uithof, Utrecht

在慶祝元旦的當兒,我們到烏特勒支欣賞中國花燈(官方網頁:點此)。這些來自四川自貢的大型花燈,照亮了烏特勒支大學的植物園區,吸引了非常多民眾來遊園。看了許多朋友分享的照片,我也興致勃勃,於是約了家公家婆一起去賞燈,順便讓兩老近距離接觸下花燈文化。 Chinese people celebrate the Lantern Festival at the first full moon of a Chinese new year. China Light Utrecht is an Chinese light festival that has been organised at the Botanic Gardens in de Uithof/Utrecht University (Official website: click here). I have been attracted by the photos of many friends, and decided to visit…

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【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。比利時納慕爾城堡 Citadel of Namur, Belgium

來到這次荷比德趴趴走的最後一輯了。我們沿著默茲河從列日往納慕爾。納慕爾位於比利時中南部、布魯塞爾的東南部,是比利時法語區的首府,也是個歷史悠久的城鎮。納慕爾城堡盤踞在默茲河及其支流桑布爾河匯合處的山頭上,更是默茲河河流域上的重要軍事要塞。 The Citadel or Castle of Namur was the last stop of our trip with my classmate from Taiwan. Namur in French, or Namen in Dutch, is a city at southern Belgium, the capital of Wallonia. The Citadel of Namur is a fortress at the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse rivers and has held…

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【荷比德趴趴走】13-07。荷比德三國交界點、比利時默兹河船閘 Tripoint of NL/BE/DE & Sluis nearby Tihange, Belgium

星期天,也就是帶著小羲趴趴走的最後一天,我們早晨從阿亨出發,先到鄰近的荷比德三國交界點,然後沿著默茲河往布魯塞爾。途中在列日附近的船閘休息、看貨船經過船閘,再到納慕爾堡壘賞景、用午餐。 Sunday morning, we departed from Aachen to Brussels. On the way, we visited the tripoint of NL/BE/DE, the sluis of Maas River nearby Tihange, Liege and the Castle of Namur.

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【荷比德趴趴走】12-07。德國阿亨 Aachen, Germany (2)

我們在繞著阿亨大教堂逛了一圈後,就開始逐家逐戶地就找德國豬腳。當然,最後不是所望,吃到超讚的豬腳,飯後還賞了一大圈夜景,才會酒店休息。 When the night came, beside enjoying the beauty of the city, we started to look for typical Germans cuisine, Schweinshaxe or roasted ham hock.

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