【18台馬澳】20180119-20。荷蘭—新竹 Holland to Hsinchu, TW

應週年慶(怎麽一年就這樣過去了?!),Susanna來發去年年初到台灣、澳門、馬來西亞的遊記了。這趟旅程分成兩段:首兩週有巴特同行、在台灣趴趴走;後四週則是我自己趴趴走,去了澳門、回了馬來西亞過年、再返台灣停留一週才回荷蘭。 It’s a year ago that Bart and I travelled to Taiwan for 2 weeks, and after that I continued alone to visit Macau, Malaysia and Taiwan for 4 weeks.

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【18秋返馬】20181021。吉隆坡—杜哈—荷蘭 Kuala Lumpur to Doha to Schiphol

兩週的旅程告一段落,又在回荷蘭的路上了!這幾年都坐半夜的直飛班機回荷蘭,抵達荷蘭的時間都是早上六、七點,基本上沿途都是黑夜。這是第一次坐凌晨三點的班機,加上在杜哈轉機,抵達荷蘭的時間就變成下午一點,好處是後半段路程不睡覺的話還有景色看。這輯全是從吉隆坡—杜哈—荷蘭的照片,主要是杜哈國際機場和航拍沿途的景色。 Time flies so fast. It’s time to go back to Holland again. This post shares the serie photos taken on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Doha and then to Schiphol, majorly the sights from flight and Doha International Airport.

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【18秋返馬】20181007-08。恩荷芬—美里 Eindhoven to Miri

十月份,決定不繼續寫論文後,即買了機票、回馬來西亞兩週。因為是單槍匹馬回去探望家人,拎回來的照片也沒很多,就先上這趟旅程的照片,再回頭分享年初到台灣—澳門—大馬的旅行。 In October 2018, I made decision to quit recovering my thesis and went back to Malaysia for 2 weeks. Because the main purpose was visiting my family, there’re not too many pictures been taken. Therefore, I start to share the pictures of October first, before the Taiwan-Macau-Malaysia trip at the beginning of 2018.

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【17返馬】20170731。亞庇 KK (1) 美里-亞庇 Miri to Kota Kinabalu

離開美里後,我們第一個行程就是亞庇五天四夜遊。為了給公公婆婆個舒適的旅程,我直接選了Amazing Borneo(官網)的兩個配套:神山兩天一夜遊及亞庇出海一日遊。第一天早上,我們六點多從美里出發,經納閩到亞庇。然後,旅遊小巴直接到機場接機,開始神山兩天一夜遊的行程。 Now, we’re going to Kota Kinabalu for a 5 days 4 nights trip. To ensure a relaxing tour for Wim and Diny, we have decided to take tour packages of Amazing Borneo (official website), with combined of a 2D1N Mount Kinabalu Tour and a 1D Islands Tour. This morning, we departed at 6:15…

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【17返馬】20170715。姆魯 Mulu (1) 啟程 Miri to Mulu

續尼亞石洞之後,重頭戲來了:姆魯國家公園的兩天一夜遊。這是本人第四次去姆魯(是有點多,很多美里人都沒去過說),上次是2010年跟巴特去的,這次有湘群和大妹同行。因為往返美里姆魯的班機有限,去姆魯得早訂票,不然向隅的機率很高。也因為班次有限,機票價錢也跟著水漲船高,來回從馬幣300起跳。這輯是從美里到姆魯的照片。 This’s my fourth tour to Mulu, and last time was in 2010 with Bart. Together with XiangQun and Jessie, we have taken a 2D1N trip due to limited time. These’re the pictures from Miri to Mulu.

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【17返馬】20170708-09。啟程 NL – KLIA – Miri

今年暑假回馬來西亞五個星期,是有史以來步調最緩慢的一趟。7號重考完,8號就趕緊向美里投奔。這篇記載從荷蘭到美里的行程,上圖為馬來西亞檳城第二大橋(全長24公里,其中16.9公里跨越大海,為東南亞最長的跨海大橋)。 This year, I went back to Malaysia for 5 weeks during summer holiday. After resit on 7th of July, I started immediately my journey at the next day. This post’s going to share the photos from the Netherlands to Miri. Above is the photo of Penang Second Bridge, or Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah…

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【Vietnam】20160704。吉隆坡-河內 Kuala Lumpur to Hanoi

今年暑假的重頭戲:越南河內十日遊。除了巴特,這次同行的還有大妹和小妹,從吉隆坡坐亞航飛往河內,再從河內到下龍灣、陸龍灣和沙壩梯田,享受了精彩又輕鬆的旅行。 [NL] Deze zomer zijn we naar Vietnam geweest op vakantie. Samen met mijn twee zussen hebben we binnen tien dagen Hanoi, Halong Bay, Trang An en Sapa bezocht, en een mooi reisje gehad in een ontzettend mooi land. [EN] During this summer holiday, we went to Vietnam for a 10 days trip with my…

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20160402。坐小飛機遊荷蘭上空 Flying with Cessna at Teuge, NL

這是巴特50歲的生日禮物:駕駛Cessna小飛機之體驗行。但老兄還是敵不過懼高症,於是就成了我的體驗遊。飛機師Marco問我想不想試駕一會,我興致缺缺,就說:我拍照就好。結果,他就特地飛低一點,帶著我去繞幾個景點,包括羅宮,實在是太棒了! [NL] We hebben een vliegbeleving van 45 minuten aan Bart gegeven als zijn 50 jaar verjaardagcadeau. Maar meneer kon zijn hoogtevrees niet overwinnen en dit is een privereisje van mevrouw geworden voor Nederland van boven. Mijn piloot Marco heeft een mooie route voor mij gekozen en ik heb prachtige foto’s van Deventer, Paleis Het…

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